It's amazing to think how I just blinked and she became this old. Or did I become that old? Hmmm.
I went completely girly this year. Yes, completely out of my comfort zone. But that is my daughter. She is ALL girl. Loves to shop, play dress up, play house and loves pink and purple. So I went with a small tea party gathering. Complete with time for dress up and jewelry making.

No birthday girl would be complete without her crown. Or in our case, an upscale version of a birthday hat.
The whole day was centered around dress up, which she loves. Most of the girls came in one of their favorite "dress up" dresses and then they spent a good amount of time changing outfits, creating new ones, etc.

Their tea table

Each girl got to select their own tea cup to keep. This is Maya's choice.

Another one of my favorites that I found.
Side note- as girly as I claim to NOT be. I love collecting tea cups and tea pots. There is just something fun about it. It's fun that now Maya will have one to display.

Our guests.
I purposely kept it small. It was actually the first time we have had multiple friends over at one time. I think it worked well.

We selected mini bundt cakes as our dessert. Sort of fits with the tea theme.

5 years old, Miss M!
I pray you have an amazing year! Lots of new adventures on the horizon. You will try lots of new things, begin Kindergarten and hopefully increase your love for learning. I love that I get to observe you being kind to all your friends. You are giving and careful to include those around you. You have a quirky side and love to laugh. Happy Birthday!!!!