Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tuesday's Tidbit

I think this post is more of a statement rather than a tidbit, but perhaps your comment (should you decide to comment) can become the tidbit.


They have more energy than I know what to do with! I come home from our morning adventure's and cannot wait for nap time. Just the mere thought of getting a 30 minute snooze excites me. The kids....they have other plans!

Today, my friend had the great idea of wearing out all the kids at a local bounce house place. For 90 minutes they ran, they jumped, they crawled and climbed, they slid, why they even shot cannons! We were tired from just watching them. Took them to lunch...and then came home.

I was so excited! They had to be tired. Got Miss M into bed, let the boys play downstairs for awhile longer and then the magical hour of rest time came! Reminded the boys of what a blessing it would be to remain quiet for 45 minutes! I mean really, what is 45 minutes anyway? I closed the door and RAN into my room. The AC was on, the fan was on, I was cozy....ahhh, perfection. Not 10 minutes later the door crept open and the bathroom trips began. UGH!!! My kids have NO clue how to be quiet, so there went nap time.

Oh well, I probably shouldn't be napping anyway. Though perhaps tomorrow I will teach them about long distance running!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, naptime...it is such a distant memory for me:) The only time I get them from either kiddo is in the car...Owen gave them up when he was 2...even before Grace did and she was 5!