Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Be Still!

Psalm 46:10- Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!

While the first part of this Psalm was ringing (loudly)in my ears all day today, I love the promise that God will be exalted. But it was the first part that has gotten to me today.

My kids are still sick. Ugh, really!? It actually bothered me because it is coming at such a bad time of the month in regards to my work schedule. I am committed to meeting my families each month and I work really hard to get them all on the same schedule, so I can limit my dependance on outside help from my Mom and friends for the kids. So when they are sick, it really catches me off guard in regards to work. Praise God, it really hasn't happened a lot.

So my Mom, lovingly, with a mask on, took in the sick ones for the past 2 days with 1 more day to go. (okay, so she wasn't really wearing a mask, but I bet she thought about it!)
I ran off to my meetings debating all the while- call the doctor, don't call the doctor, call the doctor, don't call the doctor. Many virtual daisies were plucked in the process! I mean, it's a cold...yes it's a cough and a temperature, but everyone has those. Do they reeeaaallly need to be seen. And then the whole antibiotics issue. Anyway........
I called
We went
We actually could only get 1 child in, but the Doctor (seriously, bless her heart) looked at both kids and said...Uh, they both need to be looked at.
We diagnosed....

Can I receive my Mother of the Year crown now?

Of course, I had to run back to meetings after the appointment, but from that point on, this verse started running a little more loudly through my head.
Be Still
No really...Be Still.
Who is in control? You or Me?

So after my last meeting tonight, I sat in my car and thanked God for all the blessings He just gave our family.
A place for my kids to go (THANK YOU, MOM!)
A great Doctor who really took the time to look at both kids even though she had a busy schedule too
Medicine- even the antibiotics!
A wonderful husband who is actually out buy Lysol as we speak!!! (seriously)
Friends who immediately started praying for our family as soon as I told them the news
The one healthy kid who totally stepped up tonight as we rushed to get some sort of dinner on the table and he got as much ready as he could
Warm Baths, Warm Beds and lots of prayers.

So I need to Be Still....a lot more often.
When I don't, I miss the blessings that even these "annoyances" bring about. They aren't annoyances, just God's subtle (and sometimes coughingly loud) reminders that we need to Be still and know that He is with us.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Isn't this a little early?

Normally our family gets to November before all the colds and stuff hit our household. Did I miss the memo that the season started earlier this year???
Can I opt out?
2 weeks ago kid #2 started coughing. Nothing else, just coughing. Low and behold the little germ magnet decided to be nice to his brother and sister and share!
Now, he's cute so I will give him grace, but did he have to share?
So now there are 3 kids sitting down stairs (see photo example #1 below) coughing, and I am hiding out upstairs!!!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Family Day- Complete!

October 3, 2008- God gave us another child to complete our family!
Family of 5. Forever blessed and forever grateful!

Your process was different Miss M! God knew who was going to join our family before we did. To look back now- the day we decided to adopt again and call our agency (which we did), was the day you were born. 9 1/2 months later, we came to bring you home.

You were so very attached to your foster mom. It was very evident that you shared a special bond. I'm so thankful for her and all that she did for you and for us.
I pray for your birth mom as well. I pray that she feels at peace with her decision.

We got to interact and play with you twice during that week. I enjoyed observing your inquisitive nature and the way you studied each and every move we all made.

The great thing about your process- we got you the night before we flew home, instead of the 3 hours before we flew home with your brothers. Totally helped us get to know you and begin the bonding process. I still am in shock though- how could one tiny person take up an entire bed!!!! You laugh about it now, but I still remember holding on for dear life to the side of the bed to keep myself from falling off. we used towels as blankets because we were too afraid to move you or cover you.

3 years today, Miss M!!! Can you believe it? As I type this, you are in the room next to me playing dress up and wandering in and out of my room as I show you pictures from 3 years ago. Of course you say you remember it. Perhaps you do.

Both of our Family Day's are so meaningful to us. It's our birthdays with each of you. While we couldn't be there the day of your actual birth, we were most definitely praying for you and for God's specific plan for all of our lives. This is the day that I can reflect back on our journey to you and remember all the details of the day. I can remember the smells, the facial expressions from those we walked by, what we wore, wearing you on my back, attempting to change you on the plane (which was a lot harder then your brothers...I think the changing area shrank!) driving home and wondering what you thought about in a car seat for the first time, etc. It felt like it happened yesterday.